Software Testing guidance Archives - Testrig Technologies Robust Testing For Reliable Software Tue, 16 Apr 2024 09:49:08 +0000 en hourly 1 Software Testing guidance Archives - Testrig Technologies 32 32 Top Software Testing Interview Questions and Tips by QA Leaders Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:04:36 +0000 Do you know that the demand for software testers is continuously growing?  According to a report by Research Dive, the global software testing market is projected to reach a value...

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Do you know that the demand for software testers is continuously growing? 

According to a report by Research Dive, the global software testing market is projected to reach a value of over $60 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 14%. As companies strive to deliver high-quality software products in today’s competitive landscape, the role of software testers has become increasingly vital. 

Considering these trends, mastering software testing interview questions is essential for anyone looking to pursue or advance in this dynamic field. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, understanding the nuances of software testing interviews can significantly enhance your prospects. 

Let’s delve into some of the crucial software quality assurance interview questions asked by QA Companies. 

1. How do you write effective test cases? 

Writing effective test cases is crucial for ensuring thorough testing coverage. Here’s how you can approach it: 

  • Understand the requirements thoroughly. 
  • Identify test scenarios and prioritize them. 
  • Write clear, concise, and detailed test cases with steps, expected outcomes, and preconditions. 
  • Ensure test cases cover positive, negative, and edge cases. 
  • Use techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, and pairwise testing for efficient coverage. 
  • Review and validate test cases with stakeholders for accuracy. 

2. Describe a scenario where you had to perform compatibility testing for a web application. How did you approach it, and what challenges did you encounter? 

Compatibility testing ensures that a web application functions correctly across different browsers, devices, and operating systems. In one scenario: 

  • Approach: Identified the target browsers, devices, and OS versions based on user demographics and market share. 
  • Challenges: Differences in rendering engines, screen resolutions, and user interactions across platforms posed challenges. 
  • Solution: Utilized browser testing tools like Selenium Grid, BrowserStack, or Sauce Labs for automated cross-browser testing. Also, employed responsive design techniques and device emulators for device compatibility. 

3. How do you prioritize test cases for execution in a project? 

Prioritizing test cases ensures efficient testing with limited resources. Considerations for prioritization include: 

  • Business impact: Test critical functionalities first. 
  • Risk assessment: Prioritize high-risk areas prone to defects. 
  • Dependency: Execute test cases dependent on completed functionalities. 
  • Time constraints: Focus on time-sensitive features or impending releases. 
  • Customer feedback: Address issues reported by users promptly. 

4. What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing? 

Smoke Testing: 

  • Purpose: To check if the software build is stable enough for further testing. 
  • Scope: Conducted on a full build to verify major functionalities. 
  • Depth: Broad and shallow testing without detailed validation. 
  • Timing: Performed before detailed functional and regression testing. 

Sanity Testing: 

  • Purpose: To ensure specific changes or fixes haven’t adversely affected core functionalities. 
  • Scope: Targets specific areas of the application affected by recent changes. 
  • Depth: In-depth testing focusing on specific functionalities or components. 
  • Timing: Conducted after each build or deployment iteration. 

5. What is Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? 

Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern used in automation testing to enhance test maintenance and readability. Key features include: 

  • Abstraction: Each web page is represented by a separate class containing locators and methods to interact with elements. 
  • Reusability: Encapsulates page-specific operations, promoting code reusability. 
  • Maintainability: Changes to the UI can be easily managed by updating corresponding page classes. 
  • Readability: Improves test script readability and reduces duplication of code. 


As you embark on your software testing journey or advance in your career, mastering software testing interviews is crucial. From effective test case writing to tackling critical defects and mastering techniques like compatibility testing, prioritization, and understanding smoke and sanity testing, you’ve equipped yourself well.  

Remember, preparation is key—review and practice your responses for clarity and relevance. Stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies to stay ahead. With dedication and a deep understanding of software testing principles, you’re poised for success.  

For additional guidance and assistance in Software Testing Interview Questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: Testrig Technologies. 

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Top Essential Keyboard Shortcut Keys in Jira Tue, 11 Jul 2023 10:32:50 +0000 Jira, a renowned project management and issue tracking tool, plays a pivotal role in helping teams effectively manage projects, track issues, and collaborate efficiently. With its wide range of features...

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Jira, a renowned project management and issue tracking tool, plays a pivotal role in helping teams effectively manage projects, track issues, and collaborate efficiently. With its wide range of features and functionalities, Jira has become a go-to solution for organizations across various industries.  Incorporating keyboard shortcuts into your Jira workflow empowers you to work more efficiently, save time, and focus on high-value tasks. By mastering Jira Shortcut Keys, you can unlock the full potential of its features, improving your productivity and overall project management experience. 

key Advantages of Using Jira Shortcut Keys

Using keyboard shortcuts in Jira offers several benefits that can greatly enhance productivity. Here are the key advantages

Speed and Efficiency: 

1- Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform tasks in Jira without the need for excessive mouse movements or navigating through menus, saving you valuable time. 

2- With a simple key combination, you can swiftly navigate between different sections of Jira, open issues, create new ones, and perform common actions, eliminating the need for repetitive actions and reducing workflow interruptions. 

Streamlined Workflow 

1- Keyboard shortcuts provide a streamlined workflow by enabling quick access to frequently used functions in Jira. 

2-You can seamlessly switch between different views, boards, and screens, enabling faster issue tracking, project management, and collaboration. 

3-By eliminating the need to manually locate and click on specific buttons or links, keyboard shortcuts allow you to stay focused and maintain a smooth workflow. 

Reduced Cognitive Load: 

1-Memorizing and using keyboard shortcuts reduces cognitive load by automating repetitive tasks and reducing the number of decision points in your workflow. 

2-Instead of spending time searching for specific functions or buttons, you can rely on muscle memory to execute actions efficiently, enhancing concentration and reducing mental fatigue. 

Increased Accuracy: 

1- Keyboard shortcuts provide precise control over actions in Jira, reducing the risk of accidental clicks or errors that may occur when relying solely on mouse interactions. 

2- By executing actions directly through shortcuts, you can ensure accuracy in selecting and performing specific tasks, such as transitioning issues or adding comments. 


1- Jira allows users to customize or create their own keyboard shortcuts, tailoring the shortcuts to their specific needs and preferences. 

2- By mapping frequently used functions or personalized actions to shortcuts, you can further optimize your workflow and boost productivity based on your unique requirements. 

Top Essential Jira Shortcut Keys

Global Shortcuts 

1- Go To Dashboard: Press “G+D” to quickly navigate to the Jira dashboard, allowing you to get an overview of your projects and activities. 

2- Form Submit: Press “Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + S” to submit a form, such as when creating or editing an issue, ensuring your changes are saved promptly. 

3- Switch between Projects: Press “G + P” to swiftly switch between different Jira projects, allowing you to seamlessly manage multiple projects. 

4- Open the Jira Command Center: Press “.” (period) to open the Jira command center, providing a quick access point to perform various actions without leaving your current page. 

5- Create an Issue: Press “C” to create a new issue swiftly, enabling you to capture and log tasks or problems efficiently. 

6- Administration Quick Search: Press “.” (period) twice to open the Administration Quick Search. This shortcut allows you to quickly search for and access specific administrative settings and configurations within Jira. 

7- Browse to a Project: Use the “G + P” shortcut to browse to a specific project in Jira. This enables you to switch between projects effortlessly and access project-related information, issues, and boards without the need for manual navigation. 

8- Find Issues: Press “G + I” to swiftly navigate to the search box and find specific issues based on keywords, filters, or JQL. This keyboard shortcut streamlines the process of locating and tracking relevant issues in Jira. 

9- Quick Search: Press “/” to instantly access the Quick Search feature in Jira. This shortcut allows you to search for issues, projects, users, and more directly from any page, facilitating quick information retrieval. 

10- Quick Operations: Use the “.” (period) key to open the Quick Operations dialog. This shortcut provides a menu of commonly used operations, such as creating an issue, assigning an issue, transitioning an issue, and more, allowing you to perform actions swiftly without leaving your current page. 

11- Open Shortcut Help: Press “?” to open the Shortcut Help dialog, which displays a list of available keyboard shortcuts in Jira. This handy reference allows you to explore and learn additional shortcuts that can further enhance your productivity. 

12- Open Plans Shortcut Help: Press “?” twice to open the Plans Shortcut Help dialog. This shortcut specifically provides a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Plans view in Jira, allowing you to efficiently navigate and manage your project plans. 

13- Go to the View Plans Page: Press “G + G” to navigate to the View Plans page in Jira. This shortcut provides quick access to your project plans, enabling you to monitor progress, make adjustments, and effectively manage your projects. 

14- Submit a Description or Comment: When creating or editing an issue, press “Ctrl/Cmd + Enter” to submit a description or comment. This shortcut saves you from manually clicking the submit button and ensures that your input is saved promptly. 

Read also: Jira A Guide To Use most Popular Test Case Management Tool

Issue Actions 

1- Edit an Issue: Press “E” to instantly access the edit screen of an issue, enabling you to make necessary modifications or updates without navigating through menus. 

2- Assign an Issue: Press “A” to assign an issue to a specific team member, facilitating task delegation and efficient collaboration. 

3- Edit Issue Labels: Press “L” to edit issue labels, providing a quick way to modify or update the labels associated with an issue. 

4- Comment on an Issue: Press “M” to add a comment to an issue, facilitating effective communication and collaboration with team members. 

Navigating Issues 

1- View Issue: Press “O” to view the details of an issue, allowing you to access relevant information and track its progress. 

2- Search for Issues: Press “G + I” to quickly navigate to the search box, enabling you to find specific issues based on your search criteria. 

3- Move between Issues: Press “J” to move to the next issue in the list, and “K” to move to the previous issue, enabling efficient navigation through your issue queue. 

4- Change an Issue’s Status: Press “S” to change an issue’s status, allowing you to update and track the progress of an issue easily. 

5- Add a Label to an Issue: Press “I” to add a label to an issue, enabling better categorization and organization of your issues. 

6- Toggle Issue Fullscreen: Press “F” to toggle the fullscreen view of an issue. This shortcut expands the issue details section, providing a larger and more focused view for better readability and analysis. 

7- Next Issue: Press “N” to move to the next issue in the list. This shortcut allows you to quickly navigate through a list of issues, saving time and improving efficiency in issue tracking. 

8- Previous Issue: Press “P” to move to the previous issue in the list. This keyboard shortcut enables you to easily backtrack and review previously viewed issues without the need for manual scrolling. 

10- Dock/Undock the Filters Panel: Use “D” to dock or undock the Filters panel in Jira. This shortcut allows you to toggle the visibility of the Filters panel, giving you more screen real estate and a customizable workspace. 

11- Next Activity: Press “]” to move to the next activity in Jira. This shortcut is particularly useful for tracking project updates, comments, and other activities related to the issues you are working on. 

12- Previous Activity: Press “[” to move to the previous activity in Jira. This shortcut lets you quickly review and navigate through the history of activities associated with the issues, ensuring you stay up to date. 

13- Focus Search Field: Press “/” to focus on the search field in Jira. This keyboard shortcut allows you to immediately start entering search queries or filters without the need to manually click on the search bar. 

14- Select Issue Detail View: Press “V” to select the issue detail view in Jira. This shortcut switches the view to display the detailed information and attributes of a selected issue, helping you analyze and work with the issue’s specific details. 

15- Select List View: Press “L” to select the list view in Jira. This shortcut switches the view to display a list of issues, providing an overview of multiple issues at once for efficient scanning and management. 


Utilizing keyboard shortcuts in Jira offers numerous benefits, including increased speed, streamlined workflow, reduced cognitive load, and enhanced accuracy. By mastering these shortcuts, you can navigate Jira with ease, perform actions quickly, and optimize your project management processes. Take the time to learn and incorporate these shortcuts into your workflow to boost your productivity and achieve better results in Jira. 

Looking to optimize your use of different test management tools? Seek guidance from our experienced QA experts who can provide effective strategies and valuable insights. Learn how to leverage the full potential of these tools, enhance collaboration, and achieve superior testing outcomes. Connect with our experts today to unlock the true potential of test management tools

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BDD Pitfalls and Best Practices To Overcome Them Tue, 20 Jun 2023 06:39:59 +0000 Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between stakeholders. It promotes the creation of scenarios in a human-readable format, focusing on the behavior of...

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Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between stakeholders. It promotes the creation of scenarios in a human-readable format, focusing on the behavior of the system rather than just the implementation details. While BDD offers numerous benefits, teams may encounter common pitfalls from a deep technical perspective.  

This blog post explores these pitfalls and provides best practices to overcome them effectively. 

Common BDD Pitfalls 

Pitfall 1: Lack of Collaboration 

Collaboration is at the heart of BDD, but one of the common pitfalls is when team members work in isolation. This pitfall can result in suboptimal code quality and limited test coverage. To overcome this, teams should foster a collaborative culture through various means: 

1. Version Control: Utilize version control systems, such as Git, to facilitate collaboration. This allows multiple team members to work on the same codebase concurrently, merging their changes seamlessly. 

2. Issue Tracking: Employ issue-tracking tools like JIRA or Trello to manage and prioritize tasks. This promotes transparency and keeps everyone aligned on the progress of the project. 

3. Continuous Integration: Set up a continuous integration (CI) pipeline to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software. CI tools like Jenkins or Travis CI enable teams to detect integration issues early and facilitate collaboration through automated feedback. 

Pitfall 2: Unclear or Ambiguous Scenarios 

Unclear or ambiguous scenarios can lead to confusion and misinterpretation, making it challenging to write effective tests. Overcoming this pitfall requires attention to scenario clarity and precision: 

1. Given-When-Then Format: Follow the Given-When-Then format for writing scenarios. Clearly define the initial state (Given), actions or events (When), and expected outcomes (Then). This format helps make scenarios more explicit and easier to understand. 

2. Domain-Specific Language (DSL): Utilize a domain-specific language or a structured vocabulary specific to the application domain. A well-defined DSL allows for expressing scenarios in a more natural and readable manner, enhancing clarity and reducing ambiguity. 

Pitfall 3: Overemphasis on Tooling 

While BDD tools can be helpful in automating tests and facilitating collaboration, teams often fall into the trap of focusing too much on the tooling rather than the underlying principles. To avoid this pitfall, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between tool usage and core BDD concepts: 

1. Tool Selection: Choose the right tools that align with the team’s needs and project requirements. Evaluate popular BDD frameworks like Cucumber or SpecFlow and select the one that best fits the technology stack and development environment. 

2. Focus on Principles: Emphasize the core principles of BDD rather than relying solely on tool capabilities. Understand the “why” behind BDD, such as improved collaboration, better requirements understanding, and enhanced test coverage.

Best Practices To Overcome BDD Pitfalls 

Practice 1: Promote Collaboration through Shared Code Ownership 

Encourage collaboration and shared responsibility among team members to avoid siloed work. Consider the following strategies: 

1. Pair Programming: Encourage developers and testers to work in pairs, fostering knowledge sharing and reducing knowledge gaps. Pair programming promotes collaboration and collective code ownership. 

2. Code Reviews: Conduct regular code reviews to ensure code quality and to gather feedback from multiple perspectives. Code reviews provide an opportunity for learning, identifying potential issues, and improving the overall quality of the codebase. 

Practice 2: Adopt Behavior-Driven Testing Frameworks 

Leveraging behavior-driven testing frameworks can enhance the effectiveness of BDD. Consider the following steps: 

1. Framework Evaluation: Explore popular BDD frameworks like Cucumber (for Java) or SpecFlow (for .NET) and assess their features, community support, and integration capabilities with the development stack. 

2. Expressive and Maintainable Tests: Leverage the expressive syntax provided by BDD frameworks to write tests that are easy to read, understand, and maintain. This makes tests more accessible to stakeholders, including non-technical members of the team. 

Practice 3: Continuously Refine Scenarios 

Scenarios should be living documents that evolve with changing requirements. Consider these strategies for continuous refinement: 

1. Regular Review: Conduct regular scenario reviews with all stakeholders, including business analysts and domain experts. This ensures scenarios remain accurate and up to date. 

2. Example Mapping: Use example mapping sessions to elicit additional examples and clarify scenarios. Example mapping helps in refining scenarios by exploring various edge cases and scenarios that were not initially considered. 

Read also: How To Write Gherkin(BDD) Test Scenarios 


Behavior-driven development is a valuable methodology for fostering collaboration and improving the quality of software development projects. By being aware of and overcoming common BDD pitfalls, teams can ensure effective collaboration, clear scenarios, and a balanced approach to tooling. By promoting collaboration, adopting suitable frameworks, and continuously refining scenarios, teams can maximize the benefits of BDD and deliver high-quality software that meets stakeholders’ expectations. 

For a comprehensive understanding of an effective BDD testing strategy and for better consulting get in touch with Team Testrig, a trusted QA Testing Company. Our team of QA professionals can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you achieve optimal results. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Testrig to enhance your testing approach and maximize your testing outcomes.

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A Beginner’s Guide To Web Application Penetration Testing Tue, 13 Jun 2023 06:21:41 +0000 In today’s interconnected world, web applications play a vital role in our lives. However, their usage also brings security risks. Web application penetration testing is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities and...

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In today’s interconnected world, web applications play a vital role in our lives. However, their usage also brings security risks. Web application penetration testing is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities and protecting against cyber threats.

 According to recent statistics, web application attacks accounted for 39% of all data breaches in 2020, making it the most common attack vector (source: Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report). This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for robust web application security. 

To ensure the safety and integrity of these applications, organizations employ web application penetration testing. 

What is Web Application Penetration Testing?  

Web application penetration testing, also known as web app pen-testing, is a methodical assessment of the security posture of a web application. It involves actively probing and exploiting potential vulnerabilities to evaluate the application’s resistance to attacks. The primary objective of web app penetration testing is to identify weaknesses in the application’s design, implementation, and configuration that could be exploited by malicious actors. 

During a web app penetration test, skilled security professionals simulate real-world attacks, mimicking the techniques and methodologies employed by hackers. This process helps uncover security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and authentication bypass, among others. 

Top 5 Web Application Penetration Testing Tools 

To conduct effective web application pen tests, security professionals rely on a variety of tools, such as; 
 1. Burp Suite: Burp Suite is widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive and popular tools for web application security testing. It offers a range of features that assist security professionals in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities. With its Intercepting Proxy, Burp Suite allows users to capture and modify HTTP requests and responses, enabling them to analyze and manipulate application behavior. The tool also includes an active scanner for automated vulnerability detection, a spider for mapping the application’s structure, and an Intruder module for performing automated attacks. Burp Suite’s extensive functionality and flexibility make it an essential tool in the arsenal of web application penetration testers. 

2. OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is an open-source web application security scanner that is widely used for identifying vulnerabilities. Developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), ZAP provides a user-friendly interface and offers various scanning capabilities. It can automatically detect common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and insecure direct object references (IDOR). In addition to scanning, OWASP ZAP also includes functionality for intercepting and modifying HTTP requests, allowing testers to actively analyze and manipulate application traffic. 

3. Nmap: While primarily known as a network scanning tool, Nmap can also be utilized for reconnaissance in web application penetration testing. Its port scanning capabilities help identify open ports and services running on the target system. By obtaining information about open ports, testers can gain insights into the potential attack surface of the web application. Nmap’s scripting engine allows users to create custom scripts for more specific tests, making it a versatile tool in the initial reconnaissance phase of web app penetration testing. 

4. Metasploit: Metasploit is a powerful framework that assists penetration testers in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications. It provides a vast collection of exploit modules, payloads, and auxiliary tools. With Metasploit, testers can simulate real-world attacks by exploiting identified vulnerabilities and gaining unauthorized access to the system. The framework also includes features for post-exploitation activities, such as pivoting and maintaining access. Metasploit’s flexibility and extensive library of exploits make it a valuable tool for conducting advanced penetration tests. 

5. Nikto: Nikto is an open-source web server scanner that specializes in detecting common vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in web applications. It performs comprehensive scans, including checks for outdated software versions, default files and directories, and potentially dangerous server configurations. Nikto’s extensive database of known vulnerabilities and its ability to generate detailed reports make it an essential tool for quickly identifying security weaknesses in web applications. 

Read also: The Role of Security & Penetration Testing in BFSI Sector 

Web App Penetration Testing Checklist 

To ensure a comprehensive and systematic web application penetration testing process, the following checklist provides a guideline for assessing key aspects of the application’s security. 

1. Web Application Reconnaissance: 

– Perform fingerprinting to identify the web server, frameworks, and technologies in use. 

– Enumerate directories and files to uncover hidden or sensitive information. 

– Gather information about the application’s architecture and components. 

2. Authentication and Session Management Testing: 

– Test for weak or predictable credentials, such as default or easily guessable passwords. 

– Assess the effectiveness of session management mechanisms, including session fixation, session hijacking, and session timeout controls. 

– Validate the implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and password strength requirements. 

3. Input Validation and Injection Testing: 

– Test for various forms of injection vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, command injection, and XPath injection. 

– Verify that input fields, such as forms and URL parameters, are properly validated and sanitized. 

– Test for cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities by injecting malicious code into user inputs. 

4. Authorization and Access Control Testing: 

– Verify that access controls are enforced consistently across the application. 

– Test for privilege escalation vulnerabilities, such as vertical and horizontal privilege escalation. 

– Check for insecure direct object references (IDOR) that allow unauthorized access to sensitive data or functionality. 

5. Data Storage and Transmission Testing: 

– Assess the security of sensitive data storage, including encryption, hashing, and secure key management. 

– Test for secure transmission of data over networks using SSL/TLS protocols. 

– Verify the proper handling of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers and personally identifiable information (PII). 

6. Error Handling and Information Leakage Testing: 

– Test the application’s response to invalid inputs and error conditions. 

– Check for error messages that reveal sensitive information, such as database details or server configuration. 

– Verify that error logs and debug information are not exposed to potential attackers. 

7. Client-side Security Testing: 

– Assess the security of client-side technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. 

– Test for client-side validation bypass and manipulation. 

– Verify the proper implementation of security controls, such as cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and content security policies (CSP). 


Web app penetration testing is a critical practice that helps organizations identify and address vulnerabilities in their web applications. By systematically assessing the security posture of web applications, businesses can proactively protect sensitive data, maintain user trust, and comply with industry regulations. 

As a reputable and experienced web application penetration testing company, Testrig is well-equipped to address the diverse security testing needs of businesses across various industries and organizational sizes. With our expertise in web application security testing services, we can help safeguard your applications against potential threats and vulnerabilities. Contact Us today! 

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The Role of Security & Penetration Testing in BFSI Sector Tue, 23 May 2023 11:45:53 +0000 In today’s digital era, cybersecurity has become a vital concern for the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector. As online platforms and digital transactions continue to proliferate, financial institutions...

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In today’s digital era, cybersecurity has become a vital concern for the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector. As online platforms and digital transactions continue to proliferate, financial institutions face an increasing number of cyber threats that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive customer data, and erode public trust. This is where Security & Penetration Testing Services comes in a picture.

The BFSI industry remains a prime target for cybercriminals, experiencing a dramatic 125% surge in attacks in 2021 alone. 

The Equifax data breach in 2017 and the SolarWinds supply chain attack in 2020 highlight the devastating consequences of cybersecurity breaches in the BFSI sector. 

To combat these risks, robust security measures and the implementation of security and penetration testing have become essential for safeguarding financial institutions and maintaining customer confidence. 

What is Penetration Testing and Security Testing? 

Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking, involves authorized professionals simulating real-world attacks to assess system and network security. It identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals, enabling financial institutions to proactively strengthen their defenses. Security testing evaluates the effectiveness of security controls, protocols, and mechanisms to identify weaknesses and gaps. Regular security testing helps detect vulnerabilities, enhance overall security posture, and protect sensitive customer data. 

What is the Role of Penetration Testing and Security Testing in BFSI Application? 

In the dynamic landscape of BFSI applications, ensuring robust data security is of paramount importance.  

The implementation of regulatory acts such as the European GDPR, ISO 27001, Gramm Leach Bliley Act in the USA, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and similar data protection regulations across the globe have made penetration testing and security testing indispensable for safeguarding sensitive information. 

1. Identifying Vulnerabilities: These tests help uncover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the application, reducing the risk of data breaches. 

2. Proactive Risk Mitigation: Regular testing allows financial institutions to proactively manage risks and strengthen application security. 

3. Regulatory Compliance: Penetration testing and security testing ensure compliance with stringent regulations in the BFSI sector. 

4. Safeguarding Customer Trust: By identifying vulnerabilities, these tests instill customer trust in the security of their data. 

5. Enhanced Incident Response: Regular testing improves incident response capabilities, enabling quick detection and mitigation of potential security incidents. 

6. Continuous Improvement: Penetration testing and security testing drive ongoing improvement in the security measures of BFSI applications. 

What are the Cyber Security Issues BFSI Sector Face in Today’s World?

The BFSI sector faces numerous cybersecurity issues in today’s world, given the increasing reliance on technology and the evolving threat landscape. Here are some of the prominent challenges: 

1. Data Breaches: Financial institutions are prime targets for cybercriminals seeking unauthorized access to sensitive customer data, leading to financial losses and reputational damage. 

2. Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks: Deceptive techniques are used to trick employees and customers into revealing sensitive information or performing fraudulent transactions. 

3. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Sophisticated cybercriminal groups launch long-term, stealthy attacks to steal data, disrupt operations, or conduct espionage. 

4. Ransomware Attacks: Financial institutions are increasingly targeted by ransomware, where critical data is encrypted and held for ransom, causing operational disruptions and financial harm. 

5. Insider Threats: Employees or contractors with authorized access can intentionally misuse or disclose confidential data, posing significant cybersecurity risks. 


By conducting regular Security & Penetration Testing Services, financial institutions can proactively identify vulnerabilities, mitigate risks, and enhance their overall security posture. This not only helps protect sensitive customer data but also fosters customer trust and ensures regulatory compliance. It is imperative for the BFSI sector to prioritize cybersecurity, continuously improve security measures, and stay ahead of emerging threats to safeguard valuable data and maintain the trust of their customers. 

 At Testrig, our Managed Security Testing Services model combines the best practices of the industry with our extensive decade-long expertise in software testing. We are dedicated to ensuring that your applications are not only secure but also scalable and agile. Through our specialized Security Testing and web application penetration testing, we uncover vulnerabilities, minimize application risks, and benchmark your software code to enhance overall quality assurance.  

The distinguishing factors of Testrig’s application Security & Penetration Testing Services: 

1. Security test experts possess industry-recognized certifications. 

2. Our approach is grounded in standardized methodologies that are in line with the latest technologies. 

3. Our Continuous Testing approach incorporates in-built Security Engineering & Testing. 

If you work in the banking and financial services sector, it’s essential to understand the importance of security testing. Book a Free session with our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing experts today to discuss how you can stay ahead of cyber threats. 

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WebdriverIO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Fri, 05 May 2023 11:29:02 +0000 WebdriverIO is a popular open-source test automation framework used to automate web applications and native mobile applications for iOS and android devices.. It is built on top of NodeJS and...

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WebdriverIO is a popular open-source test automation framework used to automate web applications and native mobile applications for iOS and android devices.. It is built on top of NodeJS and is written in JavaScript. It offers a wide range of features that make it a preferred choice for automation testers. 

It offers a variety of third-party integrations to help make the testing and debugging process more efficient. Its simple script writing process and robust architecture, based on RESTful services, make it a great option for automating the testing of native iOS and android applications. With its ability to achieve greater test coverage, WebdriverIO Selenium Automation Testing is a valuable tool for any testing team looking to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in testing their applications. 

Features of WebdriverIO 

1. Cross-browser and Cross-platform testing: WebdriverIO enables cross-browser and cross-platform testing, which ensures that the application runs smoothly on various operating systems and web browsers. 

2. Supports both BDD and TDD: WebdriverIO supports both BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and TDD (Test Driven Development), which helps in writing test cases that are easy to understand, maintain, and execute. 

3. Simplified API: The simplified API of WebdriverIO makes it easy to write and maintain automation tests. It provides a comprehensive set of built-in commands to perform various actions like clicking, typing, selecting, and more. 

4. Extensive Configuration Options: WebdriverIO provides extensive configuration options to suit the requirements of different projects. The configuration file can be customized according to the project needs. 

5. Integration with other tools: WebdriverIO integrates with various other tools like Appium, Cucumber, Mocha, and Jasmine to provide a complete automation testing solution. 

6. Mobile-specific commands: WebdriverIO provides a set of mobile-specific commands that can be used to automate tasks that are unique to mobile devices, such as swiping and tapping. 

7. Real-time device testing: With WebdriverIO, you can test applications on real mobile devices in real-time, allowing you to see how application performs in a real-world environment. 

How Does WebdriverIO Architecture Works? 

WebdriverIO is built on top of NodeJS, which is an implementation of the JSON Wire Protocol. It uses RESTful architecture to conduct automation testing. WebdriverIO’s architecture consists of three main components: 

1. User: The user writes the test script in JavaScript using the WebdriverIO library. The user can also use other libraries like Mocha or Jasmine to structure the test cases. 

2. NodeJS: WebdriverIO is packaged into npm and conducts communication using NodeJS, which is open-source and widely used for application development. It uses the JSON Wire Protocol to communicate with the browser. 

3. Browser: The browser is the application where the test scenarios are executed. Upon receiving the command, the browser performs the user actions, which test the validity of the application functions. 

When a user writes a test script using WebdriverIO, the service request is sent via NodeJS as an HTTP command. The services module forwards the request to the browser using the JSON Wire Protocol. Upon receiving the command, the browser performs the user actions, which tests the validity of the application functions. The browser sends the response back to the services module, which forwards it back to NodeJS. The response is then returned to the user. 

WebdriverIO uses a client-server architecture where the client-side is where the test scripts are written and executed, and the server-side receives the commands from the client-side and executes them on the browser using the JSON Wire Protocol. 

WebdriverIO’s architecture is based on NodeJS, which uses the JSON Wire Protocol to communicate with the browser. It uses a client-server architecture, where the user writes the test script in JavaScript using the WebdriverIO library, and the services module forwards the request to the browser. Upon receiving the command, the browser performs the user actions, which test the validity of the application functions. WebdriverIO’s architecture is simple, flexible, and can be integrated with other tools to provide a complete automation testing solution. 

Importance of WebdriverIO for Automation Testing With Example 

WebdriverIO is a popular open-source test automation framework that allows developers and QA teams to automate the testing of web and mobile applications. It is built on top of the WebDriver protocol, which is a standardized way to interact with web browsers and mobile devices. 

1. Easy to use: WebdriverIO is designed to be easy to use, even for testers who may not have a lot of experience with automation testing. Its simple setup process and intuitive API make it easy to get started and create automated tests quickly. 

2. Scalability and maintainability: With WebdriverIO, you can write modular and reusable test scripts that can be easily scaled and maintained as your application evolves. This reduces the time and effort required for testing and improves the overall quality of your application. 

3. Support for various programming languages: WebdriverIO supports multiple programming languages such as JavaScript, and TypeScript allowing developers to write tests in the language they are most comfortable with. 

4. Rich set of features: WebdriverIO provides a rich set of features and utilities that make it easy to create and maintain automated tests. This includes features like powerful selectors, built-in synchronization, and the ability to run tests in parallel. 

Here is an example of how WebdriverIO can be used for web and mobile app testing: 

Web Testing: 

Let’s say you have a web application that you want to test using WebdriverIO. You can start by writing a test script in JavaScript that uses WebdriverIO to interact with the application. For example, you can use WebdriverIO to navigate to a login page, enter credentials, and verify that the user is logged in successfully. 

In this example, we are using WebdriverIO to locate the email and password input fields and the submit button using CSS selectors. We then use the setValue() method to enter the email and password values and the click() method to submit the form. Finally, we use the toHaveUrl() method to verify that the user is redirected to the dashboard page after successful login. 

Mobile App Testing: 

WebdriverIO can also be used for mobile app testing using Appium, which is a WebDriver-based tool for automating mobile apps. Let’s say you have an Android app that you want to test using WebdriverIO and Appium. You can start by setting up your test environment and writing a test script in JavaScript that uses WebdriverIO and Appium to interact with the app. For example, you can use WebdriverIO and Appium to launch the app, navigate to a screen, and verify that the app displays the correct data. 

In this example, we are using WebdriverIO and Appium to launch the app on an Android emulator using the remote() method and specifying the desired capabilities. We then use the navigateTo() method to navigate to the home screen of the app using a custom scheme myapp://home. Finally, we use the findElement() method to locate the title element using the ID selector and verify that the text of the element is equal to My App Title using the getText() method. 


WebdriverIO is a powerful and flexible tool for automation testing that can be used for both web and mobile app testing. It provides a rich set of features and integrations that allow you to write efficient, scalable, and maintainable test scripts and ensure the quality of your applications. 

If you’re seeking to outsource automation testing services, you needn’t search any further. Connect with us at Testrig Technologies and Let us take the reins of your automation testing so you can focus on what you do best!

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How to Use XPath in Selenium: Comprehensive Overview Tue, 11 Apr 2023 09:31:21 +0000 Selenium is a popular testing framework used by developers and QA professionals to automate web browser interactions. One of the most useful features of Selenium is its ability to use...

The post How to Use XPath in Selenium: Comprehensive Overview    appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

Selenium is a popular testing framework used by developers and QA professionals to automate web browser interactions. One of the most useful features of Selenium is its ability to use XPath to locate elements on a web page. In this article, we’ll discuss what XPath is, the different types of XPath available in Selenium, and how to use XPath in your Selenium tests. 

What is XPath in Selenium?  

XPath is a powerful and flexible language used to locate elements on a web page. In Selenium, XPath is commonly used to identify specific elements that need to be interacted with during automated testing. Here are some key points about XPath in Selenium: 

– XPath is a query language used to navigate through the elements of an XML document or HTML page. 

– XPath expressions can be used to select elements based on their tag name, attributes, or their position in the document. 

– XPath expressions can be constructed using various functions and operators, making it a very flexible tool. 

– Selenium supports both absolute and relative XPath expressions. Absolute XPath expressions start from the root of the document, while relative XPath expressions start from the current node. 

– XPath can be used with various Selenium methods, such as find_element_by_xpath() and find_elements_by_xpath(), to locate elements on a web page. 

– While XPath can be a powerful tool for locating elements, it can also be complex and brittle. It’s important to use XPath judiciously and with an eye towards maintainability and readability. 

Types of XPath in Selenium 

There are two types of XPath available in Selenium: Absolute XPath and Relative XPath. Let’s take a look at it; 

1. Absolute XPath 

Absolute XPath starts with a single forward slash (/) and provides the complete path from the root node to the element. It uses the tagname, attribute, and attribute value to locate the element. In the above example, the XPath is used to locate a link (a tag) which is the third list item (li tag) under the second div (div[2]) under the first div (div[1]) in the HTML document. 



Syntax: /tagname[@attribute=’value’]/tagname[@attribute=’value’]/tagname[@attribute=’value’] Example: /html/body/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li[3]/a 

2. Relative XPath:  

Relative XPath starts with a double forward slash (//) and provides the path from the current node or context node to the element. It also uses the tagname, attribute, and attribute value to locate the element. In the above example, the XPath is used to locate a link (a tag) which is the third list item (li tag) under the unordered list (ul tag) inside a div (div tag) with a class attribute value of “example”. 



Syntax: //tagname[@attribute=’value’]/tagname[@attribute=’value’]/tagname[@attribute=’value’] Example: //div[@class=’example’]/ul/li[3]/a 

Read also: Top Locators In Selenium and How To Use Them

 How to Use XPath in Selenium? 

Using XPath in Selenium is a straightforward process. Here are the basic steps to follow: 

1. Open a web browser using Selenium WebDriver. 

2. Navigate to the web page you want to automate. 

3. Inspect the HTML code of the web page to identify the element you want to locate using XPath. 

4. Write an XPath expression to locate the element using its attributes, text, or position in the DOM structure. 

5. Use driver.find_element_by_xpath() method to find the element using the XPath expression. 

6. Interact with the element as needed, such as clicking, typing, or getting its text or attribute values. 

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for other elements you want to automate. 

8. Close the web browser using driver.quit() method. 

Here’s an example that shows how to use XPath to locate an element in Selenium: 

In the above code, we first import the webdriver module and create a new instance of the Chrome driver. Then, we navigate to the web page and use driver.find_element_by_xpath() method to locate a button element inside a div element with a class attribute value of “example”. Finally, we interact with the element by clicking on it and close the browser. 

It’s important to note that XPath expressions can vary based on the structure of the HTML code, and it’s recommended to use unique and specific attributes for locating elements to ensure stability and maintainability of the test scripts. 

How to use XPath Axes With Example?   

To use XPath axes in Selenium, you can use the find_element_by_xpath() or find_elements_by_xpath() method along with the appropriate XPath expression that includes the axes.  

Here are some examples of how to use XPath axes in Selenium: 

1. Ancestor : This axis selects all the ancestors of the current element. It includes the parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on. The syntax for this axis is “ancestor::”. 

Example: To select all the ancestors of an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

2. Ancestor-or-self : This axis selects the current element and all its ancestors. The syntax for this axis is “ancestor-or-self::”. 

Example: To select the current element and all its ancestors with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

3. Attribute : This axis selects the attributes of the current element. The syntax for this axis is “@attribute-name”. 

Example: To select the value of a specific attribute of an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

4. Child : This axis selects all the children of the current element. The syntax for this axis is “child::”. 

Example: To select all the child elements of a specific parent element, you can use the following XPath expression: 

5. Descendant : This axis selects all the descendants of the current element. It includes the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. The syntax for this axis is “descendant::”. 

Example: To select all the descendant elements of an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

6. Descendant-or-self : This axis selects the current element and all its descendants. The syntax for this axis is “descendant-or-self::”. 

Example: To select the current element and all its descendants with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

7. Following : This axis selects all the elements that come after the current element in the document tree. The syntax for this axis is “following::”. 

Example: To select all the elements that come after an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

8. Following-sibling : This axis selects all the siblings that come after the current element in the document tree. The syntax for this axis is “following-sibling::”. 

Example: To select all the sibling elements that come after an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

9. Namespace : This axis selects all the elements in a particular namespace. The syntax for this axis is “namespace::”. 

Example: To select all the elements in a specific namespace, you can use the following XPath expression: 

10. Parent : This axis selects the parent of the current element. The syntax for this axis is “parent::”. 

Example: To select the parent element of an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

11. Preceding : This axis selects all the elements that come before the current element in the document tree. The syntax for this axis is “preceding::”. 

Example: To select all the elements that come before an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

12. Preceding-sibling : This axis selects all the siblings that come before the current element in the document tree. The syntax for this axis is “preceding-sibling::”. 

Example: To select all the sibling elements that come before an element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

13. Self : This axis selects the current element. The syntax for this axis is “self::”. 

Example: To select the current element with a particular class, you can use the following XPath expression: 

XPath axes can be used in combination with other XPath expressions to select specific elements on a web page. By using these axes, you can navigate the document tree and select elements based on their relationship to other elements in the tree. 


XPath is a valuable feature for automating web testing with Selenium, and it can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of test automation efforts. 

Looking to hire Selenium Testing Company? At Testrig Technologies we specializes in providing comprehensive end-to-end web application automation testing services. Our skilled team of experts is dedicated to ensuring the highest levels of quality and reliability in every project. Contact us today!

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How To Write Gherkin(BDD) Test Scenarios Thu, 08 Dec 2022 10:07:53 +0000 ‘Keep things simple.’ are the three words you get to hear frequently and more often if you are a developer or a tester. Business problems need simple solutions with better...

The post How To Write Gherkin(BDD) Test Scenarios appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

‘Keep things simple.’ are the three words you get to hear frequently and more often if you are a developer or a tester. Business problems need simple solutions with better clarity and communication between all stakeholders involved in a project. 

The Behaviour-driven-development(BDD) approach to development tries to solve this issue and improves communication between business and technical teams to create software with business value. 

This approach leads to a win-win situation for everyone including the business as anyone can see what functionality has been implemented and what is yet to be implemented. Similarly, the developer teams get early feedback so that they can work on broken functionalities and it helps the tester in saving their time by using test automation through BDD.

Although BDD requires you to write test scenarios in plain English language, we need to follow some standards to make it easier for us to reuse the test scenarios as per our needs. This blog will help you understand what the BDD approach is and the way to write test scenarios in BDD.

So let’s begin.

What Is BDD?

BDD stands for Behavior-Driven Development. It’s a software development methodology that emerged from the practices of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Agile software development. BDD focuses on improving communication between different stakeholders involved in software development—such as developers, QA/testers, business analysts, and stakeholders—by using natural language that’s easily understandable by all parties.

Why BDD? 

1. Clear Communication: BDD fosters better collaboration by using a common, understandable language among all stakeholders.

2. User-Focused Development: It emphasizes defining system behaviors from the user’s perspective.

3. Structured Requirements: BDD provides clear, structured requirements using Given-When-Then scenarios.

4. Early Issue Identification: Writing scenarios before implementation helps catch issues early in the development cycle.

5. Automated Testing: BDD allows for automated testing with executable specifications.

6. Improved Collaboration: It encourages effective collaboration among developers, testers, and business stakeholders.

What Is The Gherkin Language?

Gherkin helps us document examples of the behavior our stakeholders want, by using a language that can be easily understood by developers, managers, business analysts, testers, and stakeholders of the team, and by the Cucumber tool. To write test scenarios, all we have to do is deeply understand the keywords used in the Gherkin language and blend in our test scenario based on the Gherkin keywords. 

Some Keywords Used In Gherkin Language

• Feature – It is used to describe a software feature, and also to group the related scenarios.

• Scenario – The scenario defines how a system should behave in a particular situation. 

• Given – It is used to set up the context where the scenario happens. (Establish context) 

• When – It is used to interact with the system. (Perform Action)

• Then – It is used to check the outcome of the interaction. (What we expect).

• And, But – It is used to add more steps to the scenario’s Given, When, or Then section.

Read also: BDD Pitfalls and Best Practices To Overcome Them 

How To Write Test Scenarios For BDD

Consider a situation where we need to test the debit/credit card payment page in which a user wants to pay for a particular product or service and proceeds with initiating the payment.

Step 1: Create a Feature you want to verify for your application

In our examples, we are testing the payment page of our application. A feature can have one or many scenarios to describe its behavior. 

Feature: Verify Payment Page scenarios

Step 2: Write different scenarios for the feature to be tested

To write a scenario we need to make use of the Given-When- And-Then keywords.

First situation: When the user enters a debit card number but the number is short of the required digits. 

To execute this scenario a user enters his debit/credit card number, the expiry date, and the CVV value. As the debit/credit number is short in length the “proceed to pay” button remains inactive.

We can break down this scenario in the Given-When-And-Then format as shown below. Here we expect the user to be on the ‘payment page’ and so we have set the context using the ‘Given’ keyword. To test this scenario a user has to be on the payment page which is a precondition. The user then interacts with the system by inserting data in the debit/credit card field and so we have mentioned it using the ‘When’ Keyword. Following this user action is initiated multiple times which we can state using the  ‘And’ keyword. The ‘Then’ keyword is used to define the expected outcome of our test and in this scenario, we expect the button ‘proceed to pay’ to be in an inactive state. 

Similarly, we can write a few more scenarios that will test our feature completely.

Scenario 2: When the user enters a valid debit card number of the correct length “proceed to pay” button turns active.

We can write the scenario in this pattern.

Third situation: When the user enters an invalid debit card number of the correct length, the user gets an error message.

We can cover this scenario as shown in the below image.

We can use the ‘Scenario Outline’ keyword to run the same Scenario multiple times, with different combinations of values as shown in the code below.

Pros and cons of using BDD

Pros of BDD

1. Reuse of steps – As the BDD framework uses the Given-When-Then steps, these can be reused between scenarios to save time. 

2. Speed up product delivery – BDD helps us to speed up the development process as the modular nature of Gherkin syntax expedites test automation development. 

3. Easy automation – BDD frameworks help to easily automate the Test scenarios. As steps are already given in the scenario the tester simply needs to write a function to perform each step’s operations. BDD makes it easier to implement changes in your product.

4. Ease of adaptability –  BDD scenarios are broken down at the modular level and are easy to update following product changes. As it is written in the Gherkin language it is easy to edit. 

Cons of BDD

1. Needs high Collaboration – To reap the full benefit of the BDD framework we need to have great collaboration between developers, managers, business analysts, testers, and other stakeholders of the team.

2. Need for accurate implementation –  It is crucial that the feature files and scenarios are written accurately to yield great results. QA engineers play an important role in the implementation and writing of BDD test scenarios.


So we saw what BDD is and how it is being used to effectively communicate within the team. We also saw how we can write a BDD test scenario using Gherkin that is easily understood by the team and the cucumber tool. Following this, we saw some pros and cons of using the Gherkin test (BDD) method. 

Testrig Technologies prides itself on employing renowned testing tools such as Cucumber and Appium, among others, to adeptly create and manage Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) tests, expediting the testing process significantly.

Our proficient QA Testing Services leverage the latest technologies, ensuring expeditious and precise outcomes. Engage with leading QA Company today to discuss your QA concerns and tap into the expertise of our seasoned QA professionals for comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs

The post How To Write Gherkin(BDD) Test Scenarios appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

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How to Automate API Testing Using Cypress API Plugin Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:30:07 +0000 To gain a competitive edge in the market enterprises are now providing an integrated solution that helps customers to reduce dependencies on other tools.  Now imagine a similar solution for...

The post How to Automate API Testing Using Cypress API Plugin appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

To gain a competitive edge in the market enterprises are now providing an integrated solution that helps customers to reduce dependencies on other tools. 

Now imagine a similar solution for your end-to-end software testing needs. Users would love to embrace such a solution and this is what Cypress, a JavaScript front-end testing framework offers to its customers. Be it end-to-end, accessibility, user interface, visual, or regression testing, Cypress has a solution for it. However, in this blog, we will be discussing how you can use Cypress for API testing, thereby reducing your dependency on other tools for testing your APIs.

So let’s begin.

The first step to start with our Cypress API automation testing is to download the Cypress tool and set up the environment.

Prerequisite for installing Cypress:

Operating System requirement for installing Cypress 

1. macOS 10.9 and above

2. Linux Ubuntu 12.04 and above, Debian 8, and Fedora 21

3. Windows 7 and above (64-bit only)

  1. Install Node.js 

We need to install Node.js 12 or 14 and above in our system.

We can download and install Node.js for a particular operating system from their download page The Node.js installation also covers the installation of the NPM (node package manager).

We also need a code editor like Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code for convenient programming and maintaining cypress project directories.

  1. Set environment variable NODE_HOME variable for smooth functioning of our project

We need to Enter NODE_HOME in the ‘Variable name’ field and enter C:\Program Files\nodejs in the ‘Variable value’ field as shown in the below image.

3. We can then create a folder to install Cypress

We can create a working folder by using the ‘mkdir’ command where we will be creating all our cypress tests.

4. Installing Cypress using the node package manager

We can install the Cypress tool by either using the node package manager(npm) or the yarn package manager. To install cypress through the npm, you need to navigate to the project directory and execute the following command:

npm init

The command above creates the package.json file in the directory. Following this we then need to provide basic details like – package name, description, keywords, and author name as shown below. We need to keep hitting the ‘enter’ key to add these details.

5. Install Cypress command for npm and yarn

Once we are done with the above steps, run the command below to install Cypress.

npm install cypress –save-dev

For installation through the yarn package manager type the command

 yarn add cypress –dev

6. Install Cypress directly from the link 

We can also install Cypress directly from the link

And then extract these files to run the Cypress application. This is how your project structure would appear in Cypress.

7. Verify Cypress version

Note we can use Cypress -v command to check for the version of cypress installed.

Some Features of Cypress Plugin API:

  • By using cy.api(), you can get information about API calls, such as URLs, headers, responses, and more.
  • You can view all the information in a time-travel snapshot.
  • JSON data object and array folding.
  • In the timeline and in the UI view, methods are color-coded.
  • Response size calculation.

Once you are done with the Cypress installation we can proceed ahead with setting up the Cypress API plugin.

Read also: Effective Tips To Speed Up Your Test Automation Using Cypress

Setting-Up cypress-plugin-api:

Step 1: Install the plugin by using the below commands npm while using the node package manager and yarn while using the yarn package manager.

npm i cypress-plugin-api

# or

yarn add cypress-plugin-api

API plugins can be seen in package.json once they have been installed

Step 2: We need to Import the plugin into your cypress/support/e2e.js file

import ‘cypress-plugin-api’

// or


Step 3: Create a spec file and add HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT) in the spec files

We must note that Cypress works by using the Node under the hood to trigger HTTP requests and route them back to Cypress in order to make assertions and verify that the expected calls were made.

For the below-mentioned requests, we have set the baseURL to

GET: In the first request, we will make a GET request call to our ‘reqres’ page to make sure that it actually returns the user data to the API.

This is how the request would appear.

Run the spec file and you’ll see the results as follows

The dashboard reflects that the test execution was successful and we were able to get the requested data as shown in the response code.

POST: In the second request we will be posting user details as can be seen in the below screenshot. 

When we run the spec we can see the results in the Cypress dashboard.

DELETE: The third request we will create is to delete the user data as can be seen in the screenshot.

We can see the results in the dashboard after executing the spec as shown below:

PUT: This is our fourth request where we are adding user data using API.

We can see the results of the above spec run as shown below in the dashboard.


Although we have various tools like Postman, SoapUI, Rest Assured, Karate, and Swagger available in the market for testing APIs, you can use Cypress for testing your APIs. This will remove dependencies on other tools for API testing. In the above blog, we saw how we can install, configure and use the Cypress tool for API testing using the API plugin. We saw various ways to call GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT requests. 

API testing is both a crucial and critical process as it involves a number of integration and other activities. Testrig’s API Automation Testing Services provide manual and automated solutions by using tools like karate, Postman, Rest Assured, Swagger, and others that help customers become API-first. 

To discuss Cypress API testing challenges and how to overcome those contact Testrig Technologies. Testrig Technologies is well-versed in Cypress Testing Company, and we are here to assist with any challenges that you may face.

The post How to Automate API Testing Using Cypress API Plugin appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

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How To Use LambdaTest Platform With Appium for Cross-Browser Testing Wed, 09 Nov 2022 10:21:15 +0000 With the rise in the use of mobile phones, mobile-based applications are transforming our lives at a rapid pace. Be it buying stocks and shares or purchasing groceries, ordering food...

The post How To Use LambdaTest Platform With Appium for Cross-Browser Testing appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

With the rise in the use of mobile phones, mobile-based applications are transforming our lives at a rapid pace. Be it buying stocks and shares or purchasing groceries, ordering food you can handle all these action items with just a few clicks on your mobile phone. This is why businesses are now focusing on building and deploying their mobile applications as fast as they can and are gaining an edge in the competitive market. 

However, while doing so businesses come across a lot of challenges that need to be addressed with modern solutions available in the market. One of the many challenges that businesses face is testing their mobile applications across different browsers and mobile devices. Adding to this, another problem includes that of slow release cycle time.

To address these challenges businesses can rely on advanced tools and technologies which now come with extended capabilities to solve several business challenges. Use of the Appium tool for mobile test automation and LambdaTest tool to test your mobile application across different browser and device settings can accelerate your test cycle thereby reducing the deployment time and effectively managing your product releases.

This blog will help you integrate your Appium project with Lambdatest and execute your tests faster and increase your test coverage.

So let’s begin;

What is Appium?

Appium is an open-source automation tool used for testing native applications, mobile-web applications, and hybrid applications on Android or iOS.

Advantages of Appium:

1. Appium is free and open source.
2. It supports both Android and iOS.
3. Appium tests can be written using JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, and other languages.

What is LambdaTest?

LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that helps you to perform cross-browser testing for web applications across more than 3000 browsers, operating systems, and devices. 

With LambdaTest you can perform both automated and manual automated cross-browser testing.

Some benefits of LambdaTest:

1. LambdaTest supports Parallel Testing which helps in reducing the testing efforts, as automation tests are executed concurrently across different browser and platform combinations.
2. LambdaTest can be integrated with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, GitLab CI, and others.
3. LambdaTest can be integrated with popular tools like Jira, and more.
4. LambdaTest can be used to perform visual cross-browser testing.

Prerequisites before you start:

1. You will need a LambdaTest username and access key to access the LambdaTest Platform.
2. Ensure that you have Appium’s Java client library installed.

Steps To Integrate Your Appium Project With Lambdatest.

Step 1: Upload Your Application​.

Your application which needs to be tested can be uploaded manually on the LambdaTest website. Alternatively, you can also use the ‘curl’ command to upload your application.


Curl Command upload for MacOS:


–location –request POST ‘’ \

–form ‘name=”Android_App”‘ \

–form ‘url=”“‘

Curl Command upload for Windows:

Run this command: curl -u “YOUR_LAMBDATEST_USERNAME:YOUR_LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY” –location –request POST “” –header “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” –data-urlencode “url=:” –data-urlencode “name=Proverbial_App”

Step 2: Define the Capabilities and Properties file

Once the app is uploaded you will receive app id details which then need to be passed into the capabilities parameter. Following are the changes that you need to make in the Capabilities and Properties file in your project. The parameters can be set separately in the properties file.

Screen Grab for android and iOS Capabilities parameters:

Screen Grab of Properties and Package file: 

Step 3: Execute Your Test Case​.

Once all the parameters are set you can click on the run button to run your tests through Testrunner. 

Step 4: View Test Execution​ 

After executing the test case you can view the results on LambdaTest Dashboard as seen in the picture below.


In the above blog, we saw the importance of testing your application across different platforms and browsers. We also saw how easily we can integrate our Appium project with LambdaTest, which is a cloud-based mobile device platform. We also discussed how we could use the LambdaTest dashboard to see the details of our test run. The screenshots and videos of your tests are available in LambdaTest which can be used for analytics of your test execution.

Looking for similar solutions for your mobile application testing? Reach out to a leading mobile automation testing company.

At Testrig Technologies, we use top device farms like LambdaTest, BrowserStack, and AWS Device Farm to test your product across different browsers and devices, thereby ensuring robust and complete testing of your applications. 

The post How To Use LambdaTest Platform With Appium for Cross-Browser Testing appeared first on Testrig Technologies.

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