Case Study Archives - Testrig Technologies Robust Testing For Reliable Software Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:27:49 +0000 en hourly 1 Case Study Archives - Testrig Technologies 32 32 Testrig provides end-to-end testing solutions for the Spend Analytics platform company Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:19:45 +0000 The post Testrig provides end-to-end testing solutions for the Spend Analytics platform company appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: IT Finance Budgeting and Forecasting
Location: UK
Scope: Web

Client Overview:

Client built a Spend Analytics platform that offers a fast and real-time spend analytics platform to aid in making informed business decisions.


  • Establishing the QA process.
  • Creating test cases from scratch, including Regression and Smoke suites, end-to-end testing, database testing, and API testing.
  • Understanding business requirements.
  • Automating the Power BI-based application, with a particular challenge in testing the graphs due to its graph-based nature.

Tools Used

  • Azure DevOps (Management Tool)
  • Microsoft Excel (for generating test cases)
  • Power BI (for generating reports in graph format)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (database)
  • Postman (for manual API testing)
  • Robot Framework (automation framework)
  • Language: Python
  • Selenium (for web automation)
  • Sikuli (for Power BI graph automation)
  • PyCharm (IDE)


Phase 1:

  • Requirement gathering and understanding.
  • Application exploration.
  • Establishing the QA process from scratch.

Phase 2:

  • Defining the testing approach and strategy.
  • Creating a test plan.
  • Analyzing automation tools suitable for the application.
  • Framework creation.

Phase 3:

  • Writing test cases, both manual and automated.
  • Performing functional/API testing and non-functional testing.
  • Executing test cases manually and using automation.

Key Benefits:

  1. Improved overall product quality: Automation testing helps in detecting defects, bugs, and inconsistencies in the Power BI application more effectively.
  2. Reduction in manual efforts due to test script reusability: Automation testing reduces the dependency on manual testing efforts, as test scripts can be reused across different test cycles and scenarios.
  3. Graph Validation: The main challenge in testing the Power BI application was to validate the graphs and ensure their accuracy. Automation testing helped by capturing screenshots of the graphs using different tools and then comparing them against expected results. This automated approach ensured that the graphs were displayed correctly, data was represented accurately, and any deviations or issues were identified efficiently.
  4. Regression Testing: Automation testing allowed for the creation of regression test suites, which helped in quickly and reliably verifying the functionality of the Power BI application after any changes or updates.
  5. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Automation testing integrated seamlessly with CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines. By automating the execution of test cases within the CI/CD pipeline, it ensured that any changes or updates to the Power BI application were thoroughly tested before being deployed to production. This helped in maintaining the stability and reliability of the application, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or errors.

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Testrig empowered UK-Based Marketing and Brand Consultancy through Robust Automation Testing Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:15:52 +0000 The post Testrig empowered UK-Based Marketing and Brand Consultancy through Robust Automation Testing appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: Marketing and Brand Consultancy
Location: UK

Client Overview:

Our esteemed client is a renowned marketing and brand consultancy firm based in the UK. They leverage proprietary market research and advertising solutions rooted in behavioral science principles. By measuring emotions and crafting entertaining ads, they help brands grow and achieve commercial success.


  • Multiple Modules: The client’s product consisted of several modules, requiring comprehensive end-to-end testing across UI, API, and Database components.
  • Testing Volume: The client faced the challenge of testing a large number of test cases, necessitating meticulous updates and verification to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Testing Complex Reports: The client encountered the difficulty of testing extensive reports, including their content on the UI, in relation to the underlying Database and API.
  • Framework Requirement: To address these challenges effectively, the client sought a robust and efficient framework capable of handling their testing requirements seamlessly.

Tools Used

  • Selenium with C#: Our team utilized Selenium WebDriver libraries and wrote test scripts in C# to execute efficient and scalable automation testing.
  • Azure DevOps: We leveraged Azure DevOps for project management, enabling us to track work, manage code, run builds, deploy applications, and execute tests seamlessly.
  • Git: We implemented Git for version control, ensuring smooth collaboration and efficient code management.
  • Visual Studio: Our team utilized Visual Studio as the integrated development environment (IDE) for writing Selenium tests, enhancing productivity and code quality.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: To verify database tests, we ran queries using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the database.
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer: We utilized this tool to seamlessly interact with Azure cloud storage, accessing files and folders for testing purposes.
  • Postman: To validate API responses and test various API-related scenarios, we utilized Postman, ensuring robustness and reliability.
  • Swagger: We employed Swagger to inspect API structure and documentation, executing them to verify responses and ensure API functionality.


Our engagement with the client unfolded in three distinct phases, each addressing specific challenges and delivering tangible results:

Phase 1:

  • Test Case Migration and Adoption of BDD Format Initially, the client’s test cases were documented in JIRA using a traditional format that proved challenging to maintain.
  • To streamline the process, we migrated all test cases from JIRA to Azure and rewrote them in Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) format, specifically Gherkin. This plain English format made the test cases easily understandable to all stakeholders.
  • The tests were structured following the Given, When, Then pattern, encompassing UI, API, and database testing.

Phase 2:

  • Automation of BDD Test Cases We automated the BDD test cases using Selenium with C# and integrated the Cucumber plugin for streamlined BDD test execution.
  • By automating UI, API, and database tests within a unified framework, we enabled the creation of regression and smoke test suites.
  • These automated test suites ran daily, efficiently detecting regression bugs at the earliest stages, reducing release-related issues.

Phase 3:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD) Implementation To optimize the software development life cycle, we introduced Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles.
  • For every new feature, our team followed TDD, writing test cases based on user stories before the actual development process began.
  • Developers adhered to these test cases during feature development, and upon completion, they ran the tests. If any test failed, collaboration between the development and testing teams ensured prompt bug identification and resolution.

Key Benefits:

Our partnership with the client yielded numerous advantages, including:

  • Automation Framework in Selenium with C#: We delivered a robust automation framework leveraging Selenium with C# and BDD cucumber, enabling comprehensive UI, API, and database testing.
  • Enhanced Data Integrity: By implementing API and database testing, we significantly reduced the likelihood of data-related issues across various environments.
  • Comprehensive Test Coverage: Our automation suite covered approximately 90% of the test scenarios, ensuring thorough and reliable testing.
  • Reduced Regression Bugs: The implementation of automation and regular test suite runs resulted in a notable reduction in regression bugs during the release period.
  • Early Bug Identification: Through the adoption of TDD principles, we proactively identified and addressed bugs and defects during the development phase, minimizing downstream issues.

At Testrig, we are dedicated to provide top-notch automation testing services to our customers. Our expertise and advanced tools enable businesses to enhance their product quality, improve efficiency, and achieve their desired market outcomes. Partner with us to transform your testing processes and drive success.

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Testrig Technologies: Empowering Success for a Global Fashion Retail Giant Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:10:30 +0000 The post Testrig Technologies: Empowering Success for a Global Fashion Retail Giant appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: E-Commerce
Location: France
Scope: Web / Mobile Apps

Client Overview:

Our esteemed client is a prominent global e-commerce marketplace catering to fashion aficionados, spanning across key markets such as the United States, European Union, and APAC regions. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, our client proudly occupies a leading position in the fashion industry, offering discerning customers a remarkable online platform to immerse themselves in the latest trends and styles.


Aims to optimize the quality, efficiency, and user experience of the systems, ultimately delivering a superior product to their customers.”

  1. Comprehensive Testing: The client aims to perform thorough end-to-end functional and integration testing. This involves testing all aspects of the system to ensure its stability, reliability, and seamless operation.
  2. Automation Testing: The client intends to implement automation testing for both web and mobile applications. By automating the testing process, they seek to achieve frequent and efficient production deployments. Automated testing reduces manual effort, increases test coverage, and helps identify issues early in the development cycle.
  3. Enhanced Back-office Tool: The client desires to improve their Back-office tool to provide an enhanced user experience. This includes making the tool more intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient. The goal is to minimize defects and issues while optimizing productivity and satisfaction for users interacting with the Back-office tool.


  • Meeting the demanding deadlines for rapidly developing new website features and region-specific apps in the APAC market.
  • Ensuring the product maintains high quality and user-friendliness despite the accelerated development process.
  • Conducting comprehensive verification of regional language translations without causing disruptions to other features and languages.
  • Addressing the challenge of detecting regression issues in the absence of automation for the Customer Service tool.
  • Overcoming the limitations posed by the current Ghost Inspector UI automation tool.

Phase 1: QA Process

During the initial phase, we establish a robust QA process to ensure high-quality outcomes while adhering to release timelines. Our approach begins with a comprehensive understanding of the application’s features, allowing us to create meticulously designed test plans, test cases, and strategies that align perfectly with the project requirements. We meticulously verify end-to-end flows, promptly identify and resolve bugs, and maintain a strong focus on quality. To ensure thorough mobile app testing, we leverage the power of Browser Stack’s Real Device Cloud. For the Korea launch, we employ a combination of manual testing and Ghost Inspector UI automation. Our team executes automated UI end-to-end flows using both Ghost Inspector and Cypress, conducting these tests prior to each deployment to proactively prevent regression issues.

Phase 2: Automation QA Process

In the subsequent phase, we enhance our QA process through strategic automation techniques. We harness the capabilities of Postman to automate API testing, allowing us to identify potential issues early in the development cycle. Our team seamlessly integrates the API automation test suite with the release/build pipeline, utilizing GitLab, Jenkins, and Newman for efficient integration. By incorporating automation into the workflow, we detect regression issues and facilitate weekly deployments. To ensure effective communication within the team, we have automated slack notifications in place, enabling the dissemination of test results and immediate flagging of critical concerns.

“Leveraging the capabilities of Cypress, a dependable framework for UI automation”

For UI automation, we leverage the power of Cypress, a reliable framework that harmonizes well with react-based applications. The Cypress test suite is seamlessly integrated into the release/build pipeline, making use of GitLab, Jenkins, and Docker for streamlined integration. By employing the sorry-cypress dashboard, we obtain comprehensive reporting, enabling us to assess the test results in a detailed manner. We prioritize efficiency by running test cases in parallel, leading to faster and more reliable outcomes. As with API automation, we automate slack notifications for publishing test results and swiftly raising any significant issues to the attention of the team.

Automation Process:

Our automation process unfolds seamlessly after deployment to the QA/staging environment. It commences with API automation, which is promptly followed by the execution of UI automation tests. This systematic approach enables us to detect potential regression issues early on during the post-deployment phase, mitigating risks and ensuring the stability and reliability of the system.

Phase 3: Streamlined UI Automation

In this final phase, we undertake the migration of all Ghost Inspector test cases to Cypress. This migration process streamlines and consolidates our UI automation efforts, allowing for increased efficiency and consistency throughout the testing process. By embracing Cypress as our primary UI automation tool, we enhance our overall workflow, thereby elevating the quality and effectiveness of our testing practices.

Key aspects covered:

  • Product Catalog
  • Product search and discovery
  • Warehouse operations

Customer Service support tools

  • Payment processing
  • Logistics – Shipment timelines and returns
  • Client relationship management (CRM)
  • Globalization – Multi-language and multi-currency support
  • Content management
  • SEO tracking

Tools and Technologies used

Team Testrig harnesses the power of a robust stack of cutting-edge tools and technologies, enabling seamless testing processes and superior results.”

  1. Postman – Manual and Automation for API testing
  2. Cypress – UI Automation
  3. Appium – Mobile app automation
  4. Gitlab – Version control and deployments
  5. Jenkins – Deployment automation
  6. Docker – Containerization
  7. Zephyr – Test management
  8. JIRA – Project management
  9. Elastic search, Kibana – Monitoring logs and debugging
  10. Datadog –Monitoring tool

Key Benefits

“Integrated collaboration, early issue detection, and enhanced user experiences for optimal application stability and improved functionality.”

  • Seamless integration with Client Platform Development and Business teams, fostering effective collaboration as one cohesive unit.
  • Adoption of a shift left testing approach to proactively identify issues early in the software development cycle, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Implementation of automated regression testing for weekly production deployments, providing prompt feedback on product quality.
  • Close collaboration with UI Designers and Product teams, leveraging valuable insights to enhance the user experience.
  • Thorough load testing to ensure application stability and optimal performance during peak traffic periods.
  • Dedicated collaboration and support for DevOps, deployment, and product/business teams during the critical Go Live phase.
  • Establishment of a consistent QA process, ensuring comprehensive testing prior to feature releases.
  • Early detection of regression issues through the use of automated scripts, resulting in a reduction of production issue rates.
  • Significant improvements in user-friendliness, UX, and functionality across key areas such as the CS tool, Buyer/Seller timelines, and the overall app and web experience.

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Elevating User Experience and Functionality: Test Automation Implementation for a Global B2B E-commerce Company Mon, 19 Jun 2023 05:25:01 +0000 The post Elevating User Experience and Functionality: Test Automation Implementation for a Global B2B E-commerce Company appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: E-commerce marketplace, B2B SaaS platform.
Location: USA
Scope: Web and Mobile/iPad

Client Overview:

The leading e-commerce platform is dedicated to serving B2B marketplaces and hybrid events, including trade shows, agencies, and art fairs, which are hosted in the cloud. This platform is designed to meet the needs of modern exhibitors who require advanced sales platforms. It has gained global recognition for its expertise in developing platforms for B2B marketplaces and hybrid trade shows, serving industries such as art fairs, sales agencies, and events in areas such as home, gift, design, and fashion. By seamlessly integrating wholesale commerce, rep commissions, and business intelligence, this powerful cloud platform offers a comprehensive solution.


Lack of QA Process and Limited Testing Coverage:

Limited resources and time dedicated to testing due to the focus on developing new features.

Lack of Initial Automation Strategy and Manual Regression Testing

No established automation strategy resulted in heavy reliance on time-consuming and inefficient manual regression testing. Validating system functionality after modifications or enhancements required significant manual effort.

Delayed Automation Implementation and Misalignment with Execution Timeline

Delays in implementing automation resulted in a misalignment between expected outcomes and actual execution timeline. The expectation was to achieve faster execution and automated delivery of execution reports via email.


  1. Zephyr – for test management
  2. Jira- for project management
  3. Slack- to communicate with the client side resources
  4. Confluence- for documenting the requirement and the info related to the project
  5. Zendesk- for customer support/query handling tickets
  6. Selenium- for automating the scripts
  7. JAVA- programming language
  8. MongoDB- Database
  9. Eclipse-IDE
  10. AWS cloud- for code commit
  11. AWS EC2, S3 Bucket
  12. Extend report- for viewing the automation execution report
  13. BrowserStack – For cross browser testing


Phase 1: Formation of the QA Process

  • Established dedicated QA team for thorough feature and functionality testing.
  • Initiated end-to-end testing processes and resolved identified issues before each build release.
  • Introduced comprehensive testcase document for effective test scenario management.
  • Recommended Zephyr test management tool for writing, executing, and generating execution reports.
  • Emphasized rigorous testing before build release to catch bugs early in the development cycle.

Phase 2: Development of Automation Framework

  • Developed automation framework to replace manual testing of multiple platforms.
  • Reduced execution time from 12 hours to 5-6 hours.
  • Simultaneously executed scripts across all agencies for efficient testing.
  • Streamlined testing process for art fairs, trade shows, and agencies.
  • Automated repetitive tasks and increased testing coverage.
  • Achieved significant time savings and improved productivity.

Phase 3: Migration to a New Automation Framework

  • Implemented standardized format and migrated to a new automation framework.
  • Decreased execution time from 5-6 hours to 3-4 hours.
  • Consolidated repositories for streamlined testing and reduced maintenance efforts.
  • Integrated automation scripts into Amazon Web Services (AWS) for efficient execution.
  • Automated report delivery via Slack for seamless reporting after each execution.

Phase 4: Enhanced Support Services

  • Offered dedicated support during tradeshows, ensuring smooth operations and resolving any technical issues promptly within the US time zone.
  • Provided continuous technical support to clients, assisting them with any queries.

Key Benefits:

  • Successful migration to the new framework has significantly streamlined the testing process, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The implementation of a streamlined QA process ensures a systematic and efficient approach to testing, optimizing the identification and resolution of issues.
  • The reduction in the number of hotfixes and production issues indicates improved stability and reliability of the system.
  • Early execution of scripts before the build release allows the automation team to proactively identify and address bugs, minimizing their impact on the final release.
  • The new framework facilitates the generation of comprehensive and detailed reports after each automation execution, providing valuable insights into the testing outcomes.
  • Database testing has been incorporated into the QA process, enabling thorough validation of data integrity and consistency through database interactions.
  • Notably, the application has achieved enhanced stability in terms of both UI and functionality since its initial phases.
  • The mobile and tablet versions of the application exhibit improved responsiveness and increased stability in page designs, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.
  • As we extensively and dedicatedly provided support during the shows, this is the reason all the shows till date have proved to be successful.

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Assuring Quality and Performance for a Connected Golfing Experience: Testrig’s End-to-End QA Services Mon, 19 Jun 2023 05:07:40 +0000 The post Assuring Quality and Performance for a Connected Golfing Experience: Testrig’s End-to-End QA Services appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: Sports
Location: United Kingdom
Scope: Web/Mobile

Client Overview:

  1. Encourage more people to play golf with technology-enabled solutions.
  2. Acquire a large user base for the application.
  3. Consolidate individual on and off-course data sources into a single login, harmonizing the data and presenting it back to players and coaches.
  4. Provide users with comprehensive data analysis to enhance their golfing performance.


  1. Ensuring accurate and relevant data for processing and delivering precise analysis.
  2. Automating test cases to reduce reliance on manual testing.
  3. Verifying data accuracy when introducing new features.
  4. Testing application functionality, including upload, edit, update functions, and their validation.
  5. Efficient execution of regression test cases.

Tools Used:

  • JavaScript: Programming language.
  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code): Integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Cypress: Automation framework.
  • Git Bash: Command-line interface (CLI).
  • AWS: Code commit and repository.
  • Lambdatest: Script execution, reporting, and visual testing.
  • JMeter: Performance testing.
  • Slack: Communication platform.


Phase 1: Creating a Robust Automation Framework

Testrig’s team embarked on automating the client’s manual test cases by developing a comprehensive framework. The existing automation scripts were enhanced to align with the framework’s structure. The framework employed the Page Object Model (POM), reusable methods, feature files, and eliminated hardcoding. Subsequently, the remaining manual test cases were converted into automation scripts, ensuring systematic and standardized testing.

Phase 2: Integrating LambdaTest and Conducting Performance Testing

To optimize execution time, Testrig seamlessly integrated the automation framework with LambdaTest. Leveraging LambdaTest’s capabilities, the team executed tests in parallel across multiple browsers and versions, including headless options. Additionally, Testrig performed extensive performance testing using JMeter, simulating up to 1000 users to evaluate the application’s responsiveness and scalability.

Phase 3: Visual Testing and Mobile Automation Scripting

Testrig recommended visual testing for UI automation, capturing and comparing screenshots of the application to detect any UI discrepancies. Moreover, when the client introduced a new mobile project, Testrig modified the existing framework to accommodate both desktop and mobile devices. Automation scripts were created to ensure seamless functionality across all platforms.

Key Benefits:

  • Visual testing facilitated quick and easy verification of graphs and charts, enabling efficient assessment of UI changes.
  • Automation ensured thorough testing of data integrations, validating add, delete, edit, and update activities for both existing and new users. This eliminated manual testing limitations.
  • Test cases were grouped into regression and smoke suites, allowing business analysts and stakeholders to easily review and verify automated tests.
  • LambdaTest’s parallel test execution and reporting capabilities improved efficiency and provided a comprehensive dashboard for analyzing test suite runs. Integration with Slack enabled convenient execution and result verification directly from the platform.
  • Automation significantly enhanced bug detection, particularly for regression issues.
  • Increased automation coverage instilled client confidence, leading to a greater reliance on automated testing over manual methods.

Testrig’s end-to-end QA services provided the client with robust quality assurance Regenerate response

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Empowering Agile Delivery through Comprehensive Testing Services Fri, 16 Jun 2023 12:16:01 +0000 The post Empowering Agile Delivery through Comprehensive Testing Services appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: Construction
Location: England

Client Overview:

Our client is a leading construction company focused on delivering web-based applications that provide simple and affordable services to enable quality Building Information Modeling (BIM).


The client was seeking an Independent Software Testing Company who could understand their industry and business rationale aimed to create a testing solution that would optimize costs while maximizing test coverage using the best tools and resources available.

Testing Requirements:

The client required outsourced testing services encompassing Functional testing for Web, Mobile and API testing.

Tools Used:

  • JIRA
  • X-RAY
  • Postman

Proposed Solutions:

Our Software Testing company offered a comprehensive Test Managed solution to address the client’s needs:

  1. Agile Delivery Process Review: We conducted a thorough assessment of the client’s applications and agile delivery process, providing a high-level testing review. This helped identify gaps and areas of improvement, ensuring a more efficient and effective development cycle.
  2. Consistent and Measurable Regression Testing: Our team developed scripts and scenarios to create consistent, measurable, and repeatable regression tests. This allowed for thorough validation of the client’s applications, reducing the occurrence of bugs and ensuring high-quality deliverables.
  3. Test Suite Creation: Leveraging the power of Postman, we developed a comprehensive test suite covering all relevant API endpoints and functionalities. This involved designing test cases to validate input/output parameters, error handling, authentication, and data integrity.

Key Benefits:

By implementing our testing solutions, the client experienced the following benefits:

  1. Early Identification of Gaps and Risks: Our comprehensive testing approach identified gaps and risks early in the development process, minimizing the occurrence of bugs in later stages and preventing project delays.
  2. Enhanced Testing Quality within Agile Development: We elevated the overall quality of testing performed within the agile development approach without disrupting the existing workflow.
  3. Increased Testing Efficiency: Our optimized testing methodologies and automation framework improved testing efficiency by 50%.
  4. Testing Governance and Auditability: Our robust testing framework ensured an increased level of testing governance and auditability.

By leveraging our testing company’s expertise and tailored solutions, the client achieved significant improvements in their testing capabilities, ensuring the successful delivery of their web-based application for quality BIM services in the construction industry.

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Delivering High-Quality Health apps using Appium and Cypress Fri, 16 Jun 2023 11:58:44 +0000 The post Delivering High-Quality Health apps using Appium and Cypress appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


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Industry: Health and Fitness
Location: Israel
Scope: Web and Mobile Testing

Client Overview:

Client is an innovative startup based in Israel and they sought comprehensive testing services for their web and mobile applications. As their product catered to both web and mobile platforms, they desired automated testing solutions for efficient and effective testing.

Tools Utilized:

  • JIRA (Project Management Tool)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Zapier
  • Lighthouse for performance testing
  • Appium for mobile automation
  • Appium Inspector
  • LambdaTest as a device farm
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipeline
  • Cypress for web automation


Phase 1: QA Process

We began by gaining in-depth product knowledge through the user stories shared by our client. By analyzing their requirements, we developed a tailored QA process to enhance test coverage and product quality. Our approach involved writing test cases, creating issues on JIRA, retesting tickets, and maintaining an issue list to track coverage for both the web and mobile applications.

Phase 2: Automation QA Process

Mobile Automation Using Appium Tool:

To automate mobile application testing on both Android and iOS platforms, we utilized the Appium tool. We developed a robust framework from scratch using Java language and a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) approach.

Our test scripts were integrated into the GitHub Actions pipeline, and LambdaTest’s device farm was configured to provide virtual devices for seamless script execution. Real-time test results were shared through Slack notifications.

Web Automation Using Cypress Tool:

For automating web application testing, we employed the Cypress tool. Our team built a comprehensive framework using JavaScript language and followed a BDD approach.

The test scripts were seamlessly integrated into the GitHub Actions pipeline, allowing for continuous testing. Slack notifications kept the stakeholders updated with the test results.

Throughout the process, we emphasized continuous improvement by reviewing test cases, exploring opportunities to enhance test coverage through manual and automation approaches, and suggesting additional tools for process enhancement.

Key Benefits:

  • Overall product quality improvement
  • Enhanced customer experience through a user-friendly application
  • Reduction in manual effort through test script reusability
  • Testing on multiple platforms, including Android and iOS
  • Faster feedback cycle for rapid iterations and improvements

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Healthcare Mobile App Testing Wed, 03 May 2023 09:45:57 +0000 The post Healthcare Mobile App Testing appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


About Customer

Application is to develop 2 apps for Parents:

The Family app aims to help families make healthier choices about their diet and physical activity. Families set health goals, identify the barriers that might stop them, then work towards the goals recording their progress as they go.

The Professional app helps healthcare professionals to support the families by providing tailored advice through the linked apps.

Objectives for Functional and Security Testing:

  • Usability of the apps and how user friendly it is
  • Healthcare related app, so data security and privacy was a major requirement
  • Compatibility across all iOS and Android devices
  • First launch to all over the state schools, so larger adoptions and usage

Technology /Devices

  • Technology: Native iOS and Android Java, Amazon EC2
  • Platforms: phone 5S, 6, iPad , Android Tab, Android lollypop & Mashmallow


  • Proposed & implemented End to End testing solution covering functional testing across multiple browsers for admin console and mobile devices for both the apps
  • Test Startegy for testing both the apps for UX, Performance and Security.
  • Creating & executing all the test cases on and issues logged to BugHerd
  • Detailed Security Testing Report containing vulnerabilities with proposed solutions to the vulnerabilites


  • Application Compatible across all major devices
  • Identification of security vulnerabilities across the app for both data leakage and privacy
  • UX based testing for better human experience
  • Quick execution of regression test suite before each release which helped in smoother release.
  • Daily and Weekly Reports with Metrics for visibility and control

Get in Touch with our Testing Experts

If you are seeking the selenium and automation testing company and Top class automation testing solution- Get in touch with Testrig Technologies.
Fill the form and contact us for more information about our selenium and other automation testing service

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Web & Mobile Testing for School Management application Wed, 03 May 2023 09:44:37 +0000 The post Web & Mobile Testing for School Management application appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


About Customer

Application is for Parents, Students and provides detailed school information, request info form, school comparison, interactive tools to research schools and take admissions in USA schools and colleges.


  • No testing process in place
  • Issues leaked into production
  • Costumer reached out for testing the application across multiple OS-Browser and Mobile Device platforms.

Technology /Devices

  • Technology :LAMP, Amazon EC2
  • Platforms: Win 7, 8.1, 10, Mac 10.1, phone 5S, 6, iPad , Android Tab, Android lollypop & Mashmallow


  • Proposed & implemented End to End testing solution covering functional testing across multiple browsers and mobile devices
  • Setup testing process with Dev team and testing team
  • Test plan based on the Enhancement Specification document
  • Creating & executing all the test cases on and issues logged to Project management tool “Asana”
  • Once Changes are moved to staging server, retest and confirm back to development team.
  • Staging server is handed over to Customer admin people for their review after testing.


  • Application Compatible across all major combinations of OS, Browser and Devices.
  • Identification of performance bottlenecks early and work on them proactively.
  • Quick execution of regression test suite before each release which helped in smoother release.
  • On-time delivery and on-schedule reporting allowed the client with a fast time to market strategy.

Get in Touch with our Testing Experts

If you are seeking the selenium and automation testing company and Top class automation testing solution- Get in touch with Testrig Technologies.
Fill the form and contact us for more information about our selenium and other automation testing service

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Online Company Registration application Testing Wed, 03 May 2023 09:38:57 +0000 The post Online Company Registration application Testing appeared first on Testrig Technologies.


Application provides full company registers and allow to process single or multi company changes quickly and simply. It also provides purchasing and keeping track of your company’s contracts along with Shareholder agreements, employment contracts which has never been easier before.

Technologies Used

  • Microsoft Azure
  • ASP .NET 4.0
  • SQL Server 2008 .


  • Identify and fixed critical defect at early stage.
  • Reduce total cost of ownership.
  • Few enhancements were suggested to make the application.
  • Enhances reliability and availability of the system.
  • Reduces post production defects.


  • Analysis of application requirements (Functional and non -functional with the help of developers)
  • Testing the end to end functionality of the application.
  • Identifying major User Stories to be verified while doing non-functional testing.
  • Test plan preparation was based on client calls and provided specification documents
  • Design of High Level Test Cases
  • Test cases executed and Fail/Pass statistics were shown in the Test case spreadsheet
  • Execute regression testing to make sure that there is no code brake and no new regression bugs in application in new builds.

Get in Touch with our Testing Experts

If you are seeking the selenium and automation testing company and Top class automation testing solution- Get in touch with Testrig Technologies.

Fill the form and contact us for more information about our selenium and other automation testing service

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